Upload is currently down - Explanation

Dear members,

We will try to explain to you what is currently happening.

In December 2019, google received a lot of complaints about our site because of too many advertisements.

Google Chrome has since blocked ads running on our site.

From that moment to the present, imgbaron.com is working on the limit of profitability.

To resolve this issue, almost all of the ads on our site have now been removed and we are waiting for google to confirm that the blockage can be removed. It usually takes 3-4 days.

We have disabled uploads to reduce traffic to our site over the next few days while there are no ads. That way, we minimize the losses we will have until Google responds.

In the meantime, we recommend that you test our new service: KROPIC.COM.
We have offered incredibly good rates. The site is not blocked and converts excellent earnings. Use the good opportunity to make money.

Thanks for the trust and good luck :)

ImgBaron.com Team

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